Saturday, June 12, 2010

girl, you better work!

It seems that I've been talking to my roommates a lot lately and they've been giving me some inspiration. During one of these conversations, I thought about all the goals I plan to accomplish before 2010 ends. Can you believe we're basically half-way through the year? I remember being mad on New Year's Eve with my bf because my attempts to have an amazing night failed, epically. During my conversation with Z, I also thought back to my "anti-New Year's Resolution" post.

I wanted to give some updates to stuff I have already accomplished in these last 5 months and some change.

1. Finish the collage on my wall.
It's as finished as it will be since I'm going home tomorrow and I have to move at the end of August. I think I did a pretty great job. Check it out.
And I would just like to add that it looks better in person.

2. Upgrade my nose ring to a hoop.

3. Write a book.
I haven't written a whole book, but I have been working on my writing capabilities. Baby steps. You must walk before you can run, ya know?

4. Study Abroad in Summer '10.
I'm leaving for Japan in 12 days. Amazingness!! For a second or two, I didn't think it was going to happen, but it all worked out. Thank you, God! I love You!!

5. Do something for someone without expecting to get something back.
I feel like I've been doing this a lot. No need to explain though.

6. Limit my complaining (because the good things really do outweigh the bad).
I've been working on trying to focus on what is going right instead of what's going wrong. The good ALWAYS outweighs the bad.

7. Draw a self portrait that actually looks like me. Ha!
NOT quite, but I'm working on it. Baby steps, remember that!

8. Cook an amazing (and healthy) meal for my housemates and I.
I've realized that with our crazy, packed schedules, it's difficult to get in the kitchen, make a meal, then sit down and eat. But I did get it done, once this quarter. And we've collabed on a few meals. YUMMMM!

I have been and boy does it get you places. It's truly amazing what just having a conversation with someone can do for you. I called Levi Maestro on skype because he tweeted that he was accepting calls.

10. NYU for Grad School
I still plan on doing this. My TA for my 'Style and Culture' class attended NYU. I talked to her and once again, just talking to people proves to be something that can move your career forward.

11. Start my own magazine company.
:) work... in progress.

Goals in place. I plan to do great things. What you doin'?

peace & love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...I didn't realize how funny you are. I love this. You almost make me want to write one...Almost.