Sunday, December 20, 2009

2:55 a.m.

[Disclaimer: This post might be boring. You have been warned!]

That time up there is the time I began this post on Sunday morning while sitting on the leather couch my den with the TV on that I'm not really watching. I should be in my mother's room sleeping [I no longer have a room in Los Angeles...] because I am supposed to be at church at 7 a.m. which I am seriously contemplating. I may just skip this Sunday. **okay... just talked to mommy cause she woke up and walked into the den and she said she's not gonna go to church so that means I no longer feel obligated to go. ha!** My sleep cycle is off right now, possibly because I took a 3 hour sleep after a long day of shopping, which was very successful! I have two more gifts to get by Friday which I think will be manageable.

On Friday my high school had their 2nd Annual Alumni Day. It was nice seeing a few of my classmates but honestly, I was a bit disappointed with the outcome of the day. As alum, we were there to talk to the students about life after graduation and such. I felt like they were hearing us, but not listening and absorbing everything we were telling them. I know I made a difference in at least one student's day though. I had class with a current 12th grader when I was a 12th grader ::Awwwww. Memories!!:: and she came up to me after the formal part of the agenda. I gave her some tips and such. The fact that she came up to me and wanted to know more about my experience was very empowering. Friday night was chill time with the hun bun! :) Chick-fil-A & movie night at his pad. I learned a lot that night.

EXAMPLE: Do not unlock my car, put all my stuff down (including my keys) and close the door. It will lock!! Thank God for AAA and for Derrick being hella calm about the situation cause if I was alone I would have freaked out!

Saturday brought about quality time with the best mother in the world and my favorite pass time, shopping!! Strolling through the mall, I passed by GameStop and had to bust a U-turn. I saw one of my 4th grade (and middle school) classmates that had a crush on me. He is doing well. I hadn't seen him since 8th grade graduation so it was really good seeing him. He's getting it in too, heading to Julliard in Fall (this gave me some hope about my generation). I also hung out with my best friend. Yay!! Jokes!! Even though she pisses me off sometimes, I love her! While out with Jazz, I saw one of my favorite '09 grads. She is also doing well and we will be connecting very soon!! Networking is wonderful!!

I am really enjoying my break. Since I'm on the quarter system, I only get 3 weeks off for break. My first week is already gone. Time flies when you're having fun, right? uhmm. It is currently 3:44 a.m. and I'm still in the same place. Ha! Starting to get tired. Before I go though... I'd like to leave you with this...

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
— Audrey Hepburn

I feel like this is my current state of mind.

I saw this quote over at Growth By Test Tube. Blog is pretty dope. Check it out!!

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