Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Who is Eve Ensler: VDAY and the CONGO.

Last week, I tried out for the 2011 production of the Vagina Monologues on my campus and I made the cut. In February, I will be on stage. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I don't have much history in theater, so this is going to be a brand new experience. It's also gonna be a lot of time taken away from my already booked up schedule. I think it will all be worth it though....

I told my roommates, mom and Derrick. During the last conversation, Derrick said something about Eve Ensler. And I honestly has no idea who that was. And to me, it made no sense because she is the writer of the Vagina Monologues and the script is sitting on my desktop. That conversation led me to do a little more research on her. Below is a snippet of her biography on the VDAY website:

EVE ENSLER, playwright, performer and activist, is the author of THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES, translated into over 48 languages and performed in over 140 countries, including sold-out runs at both Off-Broadway's Westside Theater and on London's West End (2002 Olivier Award nomination, Best Entertainment) and has been running for 10 years in Mexico City and Paris. In 2004, Ms. Ensler performed her play THE GOOD BODY on Broadway in NYC. This was followed by a 20 city national tour in 2005.

She has changed the way womyn* see their vaginas. And I think it's a beautiful thing!!

If you have never seen the Vagina Monologues, here a little taste! ;)

This year's Vagina Monologues production has an all womyn on color cast, which is beyond amazing, because our voices are often lost in these productions.

Speaking of womyn of color... the folks of VDAY launched a campaign to stop rape and empower the womyn and girls of the Conga. Watch the video:

Building the City of Joy from V-Day Until the Violence Stops on Vimeo.

GET EDUCATED & TAKE ACTION! It's the only way anything will ever change...

*womyn spelled with a 'y'– takes out the reference to man and challenges the normalization of man as a standard.

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